FSPA represented at the Congressional Fire Service Institute’s Symposium and Dinner

Members of FSPA traveled to our Nation’s Capital to represent your interests at the Congressional Fire Service Institute’s 34th Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Symposium and Dinner.

We were honored to also have the President of APA Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service, Dr. Tallie Armstrong, and from Division 18’s Police and Public Safety Section, the Chair for that section, Dr. Jennifer O’Leary Tait (Also a member of FSPA).

What Does CFSI Do?

“….to educate Members of Congress about fire and life safety issues.”
Whether you are a member of the fire and emergency services, a public safety coalition, or the fire service industry, the United States Congress is more aware of your concerns because of the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI).

Established in 1989 as a nonprofit, nonpartisan policy institute, CFSI is designed to educate members of Congress about the needs and challenges of our nation’s fire and emergency services to help them understand how the federal government can support the needs of our local first responders.

Members of Congress often turn to CFSI for information on a broad range of fire and emergency services issues. These are issues that confront firefighters and emergency services personnel — issues that address their health and safety and the training and equipment needed to perform their duties. We also share information with members of Congress about the important work of our public safety educators and the contributions being made by the public safety industry to reduce the threat of fires and other dangers in our communities.

Learn More at the CFSI website.

Photos from the CFSI Symposium and Dinner

Fire Service member, Dr. Burt Clark, and Psychologist, Dr. Anne Bisek.
FSPA Members prepare for the symposium's opening. (L-R) Jesus Castro, Robert Avsec, Dr. Anne Bisek, Dr. Tallie Armstrong, Dr. Burt Clark.
Refueling between morning and afternoon sessions. (Clockwise, L-R) Robert Avsec, Dr. Jennifer O'Leary Tait, Bruce Tait, Dr. Burt Clark, Jesus Castro. Photo By: Dr. Anne Bisek.
(L-R) Dr. Jennifer O'Leary Tait, Robert Avsec, Dr. Anne Bisek, Dr. Kristen Wheldon, Dr. Burt Clark.
(L-R) Dr. Burt Clark, Robert Avsec, and Emily Clark, Burt's Granddaughter who's studying psychology.
(L-R) Dr. Tallie Armstrong, Jesus Castro, and Dr. Anne Bisek>
(L-R) Dr. Burt Clark and Dr. Gina Dunckel.
(L-R) Dr. Burt Clark, Robert Avsec, Dr. Tallie Armstrong, and Jesus Castro.
(L-R) Dr. Jennifer O'Leary Tait, Dr. Kristen Wheldon, Dr. Tallie Armstrong, and Jesus Castro.
Dr. Jennifer O'Leary Tait (L) gets her FSPA Challenge Coin--as a new member-- from Dr. Kristen Wheldon.
Closing out the trip on the steps of the Capital (L-R) Dr. Burt Clark, Dr. Jennifer O'Leary Tait, Dr. Anne Bisek, and Dr. Kristen Wheldon.
FSPA wants to thank the APA for its support by having and APA Division 18 President, Dr. Tallie Armstrong, and Division 18 Police & Public Safety Section Chair Dr. Jennifer O’Leary Tait join us in D.C.

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