Join our alliance of fire service leaders, psychologists, and masters-level clinicians today!
Firefighters and EMS providers benefit from having mental health professionals who understand their jobs, lifestyles, and experiences. Psychologists and masters-level clinicians and psychology students benefit from having a safe place to learn, collaborate, consult, and serve. We do it better together. Join us or donate, if you care about this important cause.
Membership Information
At the Fire Service Psychology Association fire service leaders, psychologists, and masters-level clinicians are developing the specialty of fire service psychology. A big part of developing that field of psychology is the ability to create better access for fire service organizations, firefighters, and their families to specialized psychological services from providers who understand both the nature of their work and the culture of the fire service.
Membership Benefits Include:
- Professional Affiliation
- Connection to a Network of Psychology Professionals and Fire Service Leaders Dedicated to Bridging the Gap between the Disciplines
- Monthly Consultation Meetings for Clinicians
- Monthly Consultation for Fire Service Professionals Regards: Peer Support Team or Health and Safety Officer Considerations
- Store Discounts: 10%
- Support of the Fire Service Psychology Association’s Annual Operating Budget
- Course Registration Discounts: 10% (Not Annual Conference or Webinars)
- Support of Fire Service Psychology Research to Inform our Understanding of the Needs of Firefighters and Their Families
Membership Levels

Mental Health Professionals
Mental health clinicians develop cultural competency by engaging directly with the fire service through riding along but also through training, consultation, and support from psychologists who specialize in fire service psychology. Invest in yourself by joining our community as a Licensed Psychologist or Psychology Associate (e.g., Masters-level clinicians).
Your specific annual membership provides you access to monthly consultation meetings where you can process difficult cases and develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to improve your ability to serve this population.

Firefighter Service Professionals
Prepare for the job like your life depends on it. Firefighters who learn about the psychological nature of their work and culture are preparing for the job.
Firefighting has historically focused on physical and technical skills but as the profession has evolved, the need for stress tolerance, conflict resolution, and resilience has come to awareness. Commit to your individual and organizational health, safety, and resilience by joining our community.

Group Membership
Group membership provides a department with the opportunity to consult directly with psychologists who specialize in working with firefighters. This consultation, depending on the membership type, can provide clinical consultation to new and seasoned providers or support departments with peer support teams or health and safety officers who would like to explore team challenges, after-action reviews, or strategic planning of team operations. If you would like to explore the best ways to meet your organization’s psychological needs.

Business Affiliate
The Business Affiliate membership is designed for employees or volunteers of organizations dedicated to supporting the fire and EMS communities. This membership level recognizes individuals who contribute to these vital services through their professional or volunteer roles within organizations that share our commitment to enhancing the psychological well-being and effectiveness of fire and EMS personnel.